  • 2023年
    Dr. Takafumi TAKEBAYASHI and Ru Phoenix Regeneration Technology Development Co., Ltd. started the industrialization of Triple spiral Zhenen recycled collagen in China
  • 2022年
    Huaxi Biology (688363.SH) acquired Yierkang Biology deeply engaged in the collagen market. In May, Giant Biology submitted its prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and in June, the IPO application of Jinbo Biology North Stock Exchange was accepted and listed in 2023
  • 2021年
    Non-animal source "recombinant type Ⅲ humanized collagen lyophilized fiber" was obtained as NMPA category III medical device certification
  • 2018年
    Start pilot test of recycled collagen and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements
  • 2012年
    Pilot-scale production of recycled collagen was started
  • 2009年
    Taiwan, China Shuangmei collagen product was certified by CFDA (now NMPA), becoming the first certified collagen skin injection in China. Domestic collagen fillers have been gradually developed since around 2010
  • 2004年
    For example, Dr. Phoenix Takafumi TAKEBAYASHI served as the project leader. JNC Company cooperated with Professor Suihara of Nara University of Science and Technology to start laboratory basic research
  • 2002年
    For example, Dr. Takafumi TAKEBAYASHI, Chief Scientist of Phoenix, and Professor Niehara launched a cooperative research project
  • 2001年
    Professor Kihara of Nara University of Science and Technology, Japan started research on regenerated collagen
  • 1985年
    The emergence of "mad cow disease" in the UK worsened the collagen market
  • 1981年
    The first collagen implant, Zyderm was approved by the US FDA
  • 1980s
    Japan FANCL, DHC, UTU, Nippi and other companies applied collagen peptides in beauty and nutritional health products
  • 202 BC (202 BC)
    In the Western Han Dynasty, Chinese history recorded "glue" as medicine period. The existing ancient medical book "52 prescriptions" records "with skin glue, coated to create, healing" text; the Eastern Han Dynasty, medical sage Zhang Zhongjing "Febrile Diseases" records "pig skin soup"
  • 4000 BC (4000 BC)
    the ancient Egyptians from the rubber containing material, master the refining gelatin method, animal collagen in ancient Egypt has been widely used
technological superiority
For the first time in the world, the stable triple helix high order structure was found in industrial production, normal temperature state and non-animal-derived collagen
For the first time in the world, the stable triple helix high order structure was found in industrial production, normal temperature state and non-animal-derived collagen
(the features of the triple helix structure were double verified by the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Zhongke New Life Research Team)
智嫩再生胶原蛋白原料在197nm附近出现明显的负峰,224nm附近有正峰,为左旋聚脯氨酸构型典型CD特征。 圆二色谱的正负峰强度比称为RPN,RPN值是胶原三螺旋结构的特征性指标,非变性胶原的RPN值一般在0.12左右,观察到智嫩再生胶原蛋白的RPN值为0.12。 以上光谱数据说明智嫩再生胶原蛋白具有三螺旋结构的特征。
卓越的再生胶原蛋白抗衰与修复效果 上海交通大学药学院药物分析博士、上海鹿明生物研发总监彭章晓通过领先4D-DIA蛋白组学质谱技术分析结论:波格因(智嫩再生胶原蛋白)作用于人成纤维细胞后,能够检测6600多种蛋白表达,与对照组相比,发现智嫩胶原蛋白处理组人成纤维细胞有154种蛋白被促进表达(包括8种胶原蛋白COL和1种弹性蛋白ELN高表达),智嫩通过AGE-RAGE信号通路发挥皮肤抗衰功效,同时差异表达蛋白中并未富集到细胞死亡或凋亡信号通路,说明智嫩再生胶原蛋白安全和无毒。